Get Along with Anyone this Holiday Season Based on the Sun Signs of Astrology

Angela Kaufman
7 min readNov 21, 2018


The stress of gathering for the holidays can eclipse any comfort or joy to be had between November and January.

By understanding the core motivations of each zodiac sign, you can avoid holiday chaos.

The Sun Sign is just a piece of the astrological profile, but can give clues to one’s perspective.

Understanding the soul urge that each zodiac sign expresses, can help you make sure the holdiays are merry and bright.

The twelve signs are broken down into four groups, based on their correspondences to the elements of Air, Fire, Water and Earth.

Air Signs

The first Air sign is Gemini. Don’t be surprised if your Gemini buddies can only stop in for dessert after Thanksgiving dinner. They may skip out on you for one holiday but schedule a make up date.

The most important thing to a Gemini is mental stimulation through their active social lives.

You are not their one and only but unless you are a Cancer, Scorpio or Leo this probably won’t phase you.

Allow them space to mingle. Don’t leave it up to them to manage a serious tasks such as making the main course. They are likely to show up late, forget what to bring, but be accompanied by ten new friends who are now going to crash the party.

They aren’t being disrespectful, they simply want to include their new friends.

You can count on them to bring a trivia game, or initiate ice breaker conversations. This is good, since their ten new friends will need some way to feel at home as you and your family eye them warily.

Libra is the second Air sign. Ruled by Venus, those born under this sign desire harmony and fairness. They are not confrontational. If you give one family member more gifts than another, they will call you out on it, though.

Let your Libra loved one help decorate the venue for your holiday celebration. Ask them to create a holiday music playlist. They may also like to help you by adding an artistic touch to your home or even make the meal aesthetically pleasing. They value fairness and equality, but also prefer to not make a scene. Ironically, if they perceived a slight to another, they will tell you.

Libra will make sure everyone at the gathering has a chance to eat, drink and be merry.

They love to have a good time and may get carried away with good cheer, so you may want to enlist the help of your Virgo loved ones to cut off their supply of alcohol and desserts at some point.

Aquarius is the third Air sign. Those born under this sign will be bored to tears with your long standing traditions, Capricorn, Cancer and Taurus take note.

Don’t be offended if they show up with some bizarre culinary experiment borrowed from a culture you never heard of. They are trying to share their unique interests with you.

Fanatics for the latest trends and taboo topics, they will bring up politics, religion, and possibly even sex, aliens and Flat Earth theory, at the dinner table.

Before the night is out they will stimulate your mind and incite a riot.

Your Aquarius loved one can’t help rocking the boat, it is their job. Let them blow your mind with new information. You may learn something whether you change your beliefs or not.

Fire Signs

Aries, the Ram, is the first sign of the Zodiac. Their energy is that of the archetypal Warrior.

They want to be the first to arrive and the first to help you. They have a ton of energy and love a good challenge. They want to climb uphill both ways in the freezing cold to chop fire wood while battling the flu and then stop at the store for groceries and a tree. Because they love you.

They can also have a competitive streak. When every story shared at the celebration is bested by a competing story from your Aries loved one, understand this is just a part of their Warrior spirit. They are trying to get your approval and validation.

You may need to seat them away from your Aquarius loved one, lest the fireworks fly as Aries will not back down from an argument. They are singularly focused.

Leo is the second Fire sign. Seat your Leo loved one at the head of the table. It will be easier for them to charm everyone with their entertaining stories, and also, if you don’t they will secretly take it personally. Like the Lion, they love to be the King or Queen of the party. Let them have the spotlight and you will be thoroughly entertained.

They are warm, generous and creative. Maybe you didn’t really need six different pies, but they gladly go overboard because it is how they show love.

If you are expecting Leo to quiet down, or if you insist on taking the spotlight for yourself there will likely be problems. Leo is confident and proud. They may take any signs of rejection, real or imagined, personally and become deflated. Make sure to show them your appreciation.

Warning: Leo will want to play Santa and since your Sagittarius friend is likely to be late, may as well let Leo have the spotlight.

Sagittarius, the Archer, is the Philosopher King or Queen of the Zodiac. They need a lot of breathing room and your celebration may be one of many stops on their Holiday Tour. They have adopted family spread far and wide and they like it this way.

They are likely to hit it off with your Aquarius friends, discussing politics, philosophy and religion and drinking in the mental stimulation while not taking some of the shocking proclamations personally.

They love anything exotic or foreign, don’t be surprised if they insist on leading the family in a prayer from a culture you aren’t familiar with, or if they invite themselves to start a new tradition from your family, only to change that tradition next year.

Water Signs

The first of the Water Signs is Cancer, the Crab. As the Mother of the Zodiac, Cancer loves to nurture others and is fond of entertaining at home. They love family and tradition so don’t be surprised when they pull out the photo albums and reminisce about the past.

Even if you are growing bored (Aquarius) humor your loved one and pay attention to the stories they tell. Again. For the first time.

Your Cancer loved one may fret over food in the kitchen and miss out on most of dinner because they are busy looking after the kids or the dog or the chipmunks or whoever else hasn’t been fed yet.

Scorpio is the second Water sign. They have mastered the art of obscuring their inner lives while managing to find out all about everyone around them. If you aren’t sure what gift to get a friend, ask a Scorpio.

Avoid power struggles whenever possible (Aries and Leo take note) because Scorpio will have the last word, or the last laugh.

Scorpio is loving and protective. If they have shown up at your celebration you are fortunate because they are loyal and will try to help you with any challenges. They love a good research project so let them help you by researching the best deals on food for the gathering or the best deals on gifts.

They will love trivia game against Gemini or Aquarius though they will not tolerate any sign of being overpowered mentally or in any other way.

Pisces is the third Water sign. The fish is highly sensitive, possessing great levels of intuitive awareness and compassion to others.

Pisces may become overwhelmed, so when things heat up between your Aquarius and Aries friends and then Scorpio jumps into the mix and the conversation borders on becoming a brawl, don’t be surprised if Pisces vacates the premises.

Before things escalate, Pisces will likely team up with Libra to try to smooth out people’s feelings and use their creative talents to distract from heavy topics.

Earth Signs

Taurus, the Bull is the first of the Earth Signs. Their mission is to provide stability and they tend to be reliable. They don’t like sudden change, Aquarius and Sagittarius. Understand that springing last minute changes or invoking a new tradition will not sit well with them.

Your Taurus loved one loves to create comfort and luxury for others. They will bring an abundance of food or wine. They work hard but also value fun.

They don’t like a scene, so if your Scorpio and Aquarius friends start fighting, if your Piscean aunt gets drunk and starts dancing on the table, or if Cancer begins to cry because they burned the potatoes, Taurus is likely to leave the room.

Taurus is generous but their generosity is often overlooked because they don’t demand reciprocity. This doesn’t mean they don’t, to some extent, expect reciprocity. At the very least, show your appreciation and gratitude.

Virgo is the second of the Earth signs. Their talents are in attention to detail and they love to be of service. They will likely bring a healthy variation of everything you just spent days preparing. Don’t take this as an insult. They aren’t putting down your cooking, they are simply trying to ensure that you are healthy and have a long life.

They criticize by habit but often don’t think of what they are doing as criticism. To them it is conversation. Don’t take it personally, try to learn what you can from their advice. They are practical and may not be the most sentimental guest at the party, so they may misunderstand how their words come across to Cancer or Pisces for example.

Capricorn is the third Earth sign. They are deeply grounded in tradition and roots and will likely indulge Cancer’s need to reminisce and review old albums. They will have a hard time accepting tardiness (Gemini and Sagittarius take note) and will be easily offended by any controversial talk (Aquarius) or change in tradition.

They like things to be predictable and reliable. They are also extremely hard working. They may talk a lot about their career, finances or business. When they speak in financial terms they aren’t usually trying to brag, but money is their familiar language. They speak in terms of the material world and tend to evaluate progress based on physical signs of status, that being money, material goods, cars and so forth.

For more information on the ideal gift for those who embody each of the elemental archetypes, visit



Angela Kaufman
Angela Kaufman

Written by Angela Kaufman

Angela Kaufman is the author of Queen Up! Reclaim Your Crown When Life Knocks You Down. Her new novel Quiet Man, is available now through Trash Panda Press.

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